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Inspiring Young Minds: A Talk on Health & Fitness at Ramjas International School

Kids mirror what they see—let’s ensure they see greatness. On April 20, 2023, Dr Sonal Sharma, the lead physiotherapist at NRF, was invited by Ramjas International School, RK Puram, to inspire and educate children of Classes I & II on health and fitness. Habits formed in early childhood often continue for life, making this talk crucial for young minds.

The seminar began at 9 am in the school hall and was attended by over 50 enthusiastic students and their teachers. Sonal’s talk focused on promoting healthy habits and the importance of exercise. Key points included :

  • Understanding the significance of health
  • Distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy foods
  • Engaging in general body exercises to maintain strength and health
  • Learning the correct way to carry a school bag

Health encompasses complete mental, physical, and social well-being. Teaching children the importance of health early on, encourages lifelong healthy habits. Sonal emphasized the need for regular exercise, a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and ensuring proper sleep.

To illustrate healthy versus unhealthy foods, Sonal used a practical approach. He presented an apple and a cold drink, prompting the children to identify which was healthier. The majority correctly chose the apple, loudly proclaiming that it makes them stronger !

Practical demonstrations followed, with little volunteers showcasing exercises, allowing their peers to learn by doing. This hands-on approach ensured that the children grasped the correct exercise techniques.

Sonal also demonstrated the proper way to carry a school bag, ensuring that the weight was evenly distributed to prevent muscle strain.

The session was a great success; both children and their teachers enjoyed it from start to finish; there was not a single dull moment throughout. Dr Sonal Sharma was felicitated by the teachers, who thanked him for reaching out to the young minds through simple yet effective teaching techniques.

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