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Ergonomics and Posture

Ergonomics & Posture

Ergonomics covers all aspects of a job & it’s affect on our bodies, from the physical stresses it places on joints, muscles, nerves, tendons, bones etc. to the environmental factors which can affect our vision and general health.

Why is Ergonomics important?

In workplaces, when the body is stressed by an awkward posture, extreme temperature or repeated movements, the musculoskeletal system can be adversely affected. Hence ergonomics plays a major role in reducing these work-related injuries or illness.


Why is Ergonomics important?

  • Ensure comfort
  • Health promotion
  • Achieve well-being
  • Eliminate pain and suffering
  • Ensure continued health
  • Maintenance of ability
  • Ensure worker safety
  • Dysfunction prevention
  • Achieve effectiveness
  • Restoration of functions

Role of Physiotherapy

A Physiotherapist can identify posture style and provide hands-on treatment, posture correction exercises and helpful home products to achieve great posture. Some of their objectives are:

  • Obtain Normal Joint Range of Motion which is Necessary to allow you to achieve a good posture alignment.
  • Obtain Normal Muscle Length which is important for preventing any stiffness.
  • Obtain muscle strength to make muscles Strong & efficient to work without fatigue.
  • Increase Muscle Endurance as Postural muscles need to able to work for hours on end. Poor endurance is a major factor in a habitually poor posture.
  • Work on Nerve extensibility as it’s a crucial factor since Neural tissues need enough length to allow for normal posture.
  • Perfect Posture Habits, the hardest part here is the initial change and then constant reinforcing of the correct habit.

Approaches in physiotherapy

  • Postural and movement retraining.
  • Preventative or assistive taping techniques.
  • Joint and soft tissue stretching and mobility exercises.
  • Supportive bracing.
  • Manual therapy for soft tissue and affected joints.
  • Customized strength training programs.

Help them gain their lost mobility! Help them live with Dignity!

Neuro-disabled patients deserve a comprehensive treatment ensuring their economical & emotional independence.

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